Publican-Pharisee-MSIdiomela from the Triodion

Mode 1

Brethren, let us not offer prayer as did the Pharisee,

for he who exalts himself will be brought to humility.

Let us humble ourselves in the presence of God,

as did the Publican, and through fasting cry to Him

“God, be merciful to us sinners.”

A Pharisee, by self-esteem dominated, and a Publican,

in repentance prostrated, both approached You the only Master.

But the one, after boasting, was deprived of the blessings,

while the other, not speaking, was counted worthy of Your gifts.

Confirm me in such sighs as these, Christ God, since You love humanity.


Mode 8

The Pharisee, who justified himself by boasting about his works, O Lord, You condemned;

but You justified the Publican who was modest, and who with sighs prayed for expiation.

For You do not accept boastful thoughts, but hearts that are contrite You do not despise.

Therefore we, too, in humility fall down before You, who suffered for us.

Grant us absolution and great mercy.


Translated by Fr.Seraphim Dedes

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