Is Secular “Psychotherapy” Compatible with the Principles and the Anthropology of the Orthodox Church?
An interview with Dr Jean Claude Larchet(*), University Professor who holds a doctorate in the Humanities, has studied Psychopathology, Philosophy and the Eastern Church Fathers and has also had clinical experience in psychiatric hospitals. This is a transcribed excerpt from “Radio-Paraga”, a program in the official radio station of the Church of Greece. It was […]
Byzantine Music as an “Art of Music and Art of Therapy”
By Stylianos Gerasimos, Theologian – Musician Byzantine Music is an art of prayer, an art of spirituality, because it is a component of the worship of the Church, and thus a spiritual event in the life of a Christian, for by this art God is glorified. To celebrate the launch of the Triodion, it would […]
As We Prepare To Celebrate Pascha

We already find ourselves to be before Great Week and the cosmo-salvific feast of Pascha. Today is Palm Sunday, in which we celebrate the palm-bearing entrance of our Lord into the Holy City.
How to Interpret Holy Scriptures as an Orthodox Theologian
Augustine, however, set aside the experience of the glorified and replaced the experience of the glorified with two things: the Church and Holy Scripture, that is to say, books, written texts. He shifted the authority in the Church.
Human Rights and the Orthodox Church
The adjective «human» attributes something to all humans in general. «Rights» belong to each human individually, unconditionally and without exceptions.
The First Icons of Christ and the Virgin
The teaching of the Church, according to which images are an integral element of the Christian Gospel from its very beginning, is also expressed in the tradition which asserts that the first icon of Christ appeared during His life on earth. In the West, this image was called “the Holy Face.” In the East it […]
The Orthodox Church as seen by the Roman Church
After the Schism between Constantinople and Rome, the Roman Church tended to work on the assumption that there was no Church in the East, but only scattered Christians. Although this contention may be dismissed as a polemic exaggeration, Rome interpreted Christian universality as universality of the West. The situation was changed by Pope Pius IX […]
Constantine the Great and Historical Truth
[Below is an excellent article by Fr. George Metallinos that portrays the truth about Constantine the Great and shows with conviction why the Orthodox Church honors him as a Saint and “Equal of the Apostles”. It also answers the numerous critics of Constantine, among whom accuse him as being one of the most evil men […]
Elder Paisios on Demons and the Power of the Cross
Elder Paisios was asked the following regarding demons (called “tagalakia” by him) and the power of the Cross: – Elder, my thoughts tell me that the devil, especially nowadays, has a lot of power. – The devil has evil and hatred, not power. The love of God is all-powerful. Satan tries to appear all-powerful, but […]
Prayer Presupposes Faith
Prayer presupposes faith. People who don’t pray are without help, uncertain, blind and alone. They’re earthbound, not knowing how to fly aloft, to burn bright in the sky, to enjoy the necessary celestial support. They’re magnetized, bound, firmly attached to corruptible, earthly things. It’s not easy for them to break away. They attempt to lay […]