Byzantine Music as an “Art of Music and Art of Therapy”

By Stylianos Gerasimos, Theologian – Musician Byzantine Music is an art of prayer, an art of spirituality, because it is a component of the worship of the Church, and thus a spiritual event in the life of a Christian, for by this art God is glorified. To celebrate the launch of the Triodion, it would […]

How to Interpret Holy Scriptures as an Orthodox Theologian

Augustine, however, set aside the experience of the glorified and replaced the experience of the glorified with two things: the Church and Holy Scripture, that is to say, books, written texts. He shifted the authority in the Church.

Human Rights and the Orthodox Church

The adjective «human» attributes something to all humans in general. «Rights» belong to each human individually, unconditionally and without exceptions.

The First Icons of Christ and the Virgin

The teaching of the Church, according to which images are an integral element of the Christian Gospel from its very beginning, is also expressed in the tradition which asserts that the first icon of Christ appeared during His life on earth. In the West, this image was called “the Holy Face.” In the East it […]

The Orthodox Church as seen by the Roman Church

After the Schism between Constantinople and Rome, the Roman Church tended to work on the assumption that there was no Church in the East, but only scattered Christians. Although this contention may be dismissed as a polemic exaggeration, Rome interpreted Christian universality as universality of the West. The situation was changed by Pope Pius IX […]

Elder Paisios on Demons and the Power of the Cross

Elder Paisios was asked the following regarding demons (called “tagalakia” by him) and the power of the Cross: – Elder, my thoughts tell me that the devil, especially nowadays, has a lot of power. – The devil has evil and hatred, not power. The love of God is all-powerful. Satan tries to appear all-powerful, but […]

Spiritual Life of a Couple

A common issue in a couple relationship is about their spiritual life. One can be very spiritual following the way of life prescribed for Orthodox Christians and the other not making any attempt to follow the practices of the Church. If not dealt with carefully this can become a source of great conflict. The advice […]

A Brief Comment on the Icon of the Resurrection

We shall try here to point out the main features of the Orthodox icon which is entitled “The Descent into Hell”. The first thing to note is that it is entirely different from the Western-style depiction, which shows Christ emerging triumphantly from the tomb, holding a little flag. The astonished guards have fallen to the […]

The First and Second Resurrection

The Resurrection of Christ, which we festively celebrate after several days of fasting, repentance and prayer, is the central mystery of faith and the life in Christ. Without the Resurrection of Christ we would be under the power of death, sin and the devil and there would be no way out of life. That’s why […]