Philanthropy India

"Saint Ignatius"
Boys Orphanage

Love is always the solution

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Another dream
came true

After 10 years of the opening of the “Theotokos” girls Orphanage, in November 2009, another dream became a reality; an orphanage for boys, “St. Ignatius.”  The young boys left the squalor and poverty of their surroundings and joined the home for boys which gives them a safe and loving environment with daily blessings . There are presently more than 80 boys at St. Ignatius, ages 4-16.

Sharing Love

"Saint Ignatius" Boys Orphanage is a small paradise for 80+ Boys

Thousand of children are homeless in the area of West Bengal. The y live in the streets and they do not have access to go to school or to dream for a better life. 

“Saint Ignatius” boys Orphanage is a warm home for them. Every child deserve to grow up with smile, love and happiness. 

Sharing Love

It is nice to dream

“St. Ignatius” Boys Orphanage  provides the same comprehensive care: schooling, medical, and tutorial support, as well as an on-campus exercise facility. 

With a caring staff of nannies and tutors, the boys are already showing great affection for their new home. The boys range in age from nursery to middle school. With your support, we hope to nurture the boys to be responsible, conscientious young men.

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We need your love

Mainly the children who were born in the streets, who never learnt what home is, or never smelt warm food, or never learnt to read or write.

the homeless families who sleep in the streets and try to be protected from the sun and rain with brunches of trees and cartons.

The maltreated women who have no rights to education and generally are exploited.
the sick people who face the death because there isn’t medical treatment.
the children and adults who fight for a dignified life every day.

Our love can become a ray of hope and life for thousands of people in South Asia

For more details please contact us: